Fred Otto
Player: Fred "derfred"
Discord: Fred Oho#8667
Total Command Points: 18-1=17
Warlord: Archon
Total Points: 1999
Army Factions Used: Asuryani, Drukhari
Reinforcement Points: none
+++ 4. Warphammer (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [14 PL, 204pts] ++
Detachment Type: Kabal of the Black Heart
+ HQ +
Archon [4 PL, 57pts]: Splinter pistol, Venom Blade, WARLORD
Archon [4 PL, 57pts]: Splinter pistol, Venom Blade
+ Troops +
Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 30pts]
. 4x Kabalite Warrior: 4x Splinter Rifle
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 30pts]
. 4x Kabalite Warrior: 4x Splinter Rifle
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 30pts]
. 4x Kabalite Warrior: 4x Splinter Rifle
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [68 PL, 1,170pts] ++
Special Detachment: Windrider Host
Custom Craftworld: <Space Pirates> (Children of Prophecy, Hail of Doom)
Farseer Skyrunner [7 PL, 132pts]
. Shuriken Pistol, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Witchblade
. Psychic Powers: Guide, Executioner, Focus Will,
Farseer Skyrunner [7 PL, 132pts]
. Shuriken Pistol, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Witchblade
. Psychic Powers: Doom, Fortune, Focus Will,
Warlock Skyrunner Conclave [31 PL, 550pts]
. 10x Warlock Skyrunner: Singing Spear, Twin Shuriken Catapult
. Psychic Powers: Smite, Protect/Jinx, Quicken/Restrain
+ Troops +
Storm Guardians [3 PL, 48pts]
. 8x Storm Guardian - Aeldari Blade: 8x Aeldari Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Shuriken Pistol
Storm Guardians [3 PL, 48pts]
. 8x Storm Guardian - Aeldari Blade: 8x Aeldari Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Shuriken Pistol
Storm Guardians [3 PL, 48pts]
. 8x Storm Guardian - Aeldari Blade: 8x Aeldari Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Shuriken Pistol
+ Fast Attack +
Shining Spears [14 PL, 212pts]
. 6x Shining Spear: 6x Laser Lance, 6x Twin Shuriken Catapult
. Shining Spear Exarch: Star Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult
. . Exarch Power: Swooping Dive
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [37 PL, 625pts] ++
Detachment Type: Prophets of Flesh
+ HQ +
Haemonculus [5 PL, 81pts]: Electrocorrosive whip, Hexrifle, RELIC: The Vexator Mask
Urien Rakarth [5 PL, 90pts]
+ Troops +
Wracks [5 PL, 96pts]
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive whip
. 9x Wracks: 9x Haemonculus Tools
Wracks [5 PL, 74pts]
. Acothyst: Venom Blade
. 7x Wracks: 7x Haemonculus Tools
Wracks [5 PL, 74pts]
. Acothyst: Venom Blade
. 7x Wracks: 7x Haemonculus Tools
+ Elites +
Grotesques [12 PL, 210pts]:
6x Grotesque with Monstrous Cleaver: Flesh gauntlet
++ Total: [119 PL, 1,999pts] ++