Wojciech Soporowski Poznań BOJA Armia DH
King 710 Pts
General;Plate Armour;War Throne;
Rune of Destruction,Rune of Might,Rune of Craftsmanship
Rune of Iron,Rune of steel,Rune of the Forge
Thane 295 Pts
Plate Armour; Shield; Battle Standard;
Rune of Iron (x2),Rune of the Forge,Rune of Dragon's Breath
Engineer 240 Pts
Hand Weapon; Wyrm-Slayer Rocket (3+); Plate Armour; Entrench;
Rune of Denial
10 Clan Warriors 170 Pts
Heavy Armour; Shield; Musician;
14 Clan Marksmen - Handgunners 352 Pts
Handgunners; Guild-Crafted Handgun (4+); Shield; Musician;
36 Clan Warriors 609 Pts
Great Weapon; Standard; Musician;
Runic Standard of the Hold , Champion
Grudge Buster 335 Pts
Grudge Buster 335 Pts
Field Artillery - Organ Gun 335 Pts
Organ Gun (4+)Rune Crafted
Field Artillery - Cannon 250 Pts
Cannon (4+)
8 Hold Guardians 865 Pts
Standard; Musician;Runic Standard of the Hold
Total Army Cost: 4496