
Morten "Waaargh" Brandt Jensen

HQ1: Warboss(60), warlord, mega armour(40), da lucky stikk(25).[125]
HQ2: Big mek(35), KFF(50).[85]

TROOP1: 30 Boys(180), nob(10), big choppa(5), bosspole(5).[200]
TROOP2: 10 Boys(60), nob(10), big choppa(5), bosspole(5).[80]
Truck(30), ram(5).[35]

ELITE1: 3 Meganobz(120), pair of killsaws(10), bosspole(5).[135]
Battlewagon(110), big shoota(5), deff rolla(10).[125]
ELITE2: 3 Meganobz(120), pair of killsaws(10), bosspole(5).[135]
Battlewagon(110), big shoota(5), ram(5).[120]

HQ3: Ork warboss(60), power klaw(25), attack squig(15), bosspole(5), bike(25).[130]
HQ4: Painboy(50), bike(25).[75]

TROOP3: 10 Gretchins [35]
TROOP4: 10 Gretchins [35]

ELITE3: 7 Tankbustas.[91]
Truck(30), ram(5).[35]

FAST1: 12 Warbikers(216), nob(10), power klaw(25), bosspole(5).[256]
FAST2: 5 deff koptas(150), 5 TL rokkits(0).[150]

Total 1847 points
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