Tomasz "Tomcaet" Gałko
+ Gracz: Tomasz “Tomcaet” Gałko
+ ID: BI092
+ Army Faction: Tyranids
+ Command Points: 6
+ Punkty: 1000
+ Reinforcement Points: 1
== Battalion Detachment == Tyranids <Hive Fleet>(Metamorphic Regrowth, Synaptic Augmentation) [PR50 999p] -3CP +3CP(WARLORD)
HQ1: The Swarmlord(270p),
bone sabres(0p), prehensile pincer tail(0p)
[PR14 270p]
<Hive Fleet>; PSYKER: Smite, Catalyst, The Horror
HQ2: Neurothrope(95p),
claws and teeth(0p)
[PR5 95p]
<Hive Fleet>; PSYKER: Smite, Catalyst; Relic: Resonance Barb; WARLORD: Adaptive Physiology: Elites1
Troops1: Tyranid Warriors(3x21p=63p),
3x deathspitter(3x6p=18p), 3x boneswords(3x3p=9p)
[PR4 90p]
<Hive Fleet>
Troops2: Ripper Swarms(3x12p=36p),
3x claws and teeth(3x0p=0p)
[PR2 36p]
<Hive Fleet>
Troops3: Ripper Swarms(3x12p=36p),
3x claws and teeth(3x0p=0p)
[PR2 36p]
<Hive Fleet>
Elites1: Hive Guard(4x40p=160p),
4x impaler cannon(4x10p=40p)
[PR12 200p]
<Hive Fleet>; Adaptive Physiology: Enhanced Resistance
Elites2: Zoanthropes(4x45p=180p),
4x claws and teeth(4x0p=0p)
[PR8 180p]
<Hive Fleet>; PSYKER: Smite, Psychic Scream
Elites3: The Red Terror(55p),
prehensile pincer tail(0p), 2x scything talons(2x0p=0p)
[PR3 55p]
<Hive Fleet>
Elites4: Lictor(32p),
flesh hooks(3p), grasping talons (0p), rending claws(2p)
[PR2 37p]
<Hive Fleet>
Total: [52PL 999p]
Thin Their Ranks kill points: 30
While We Stand, We Fight models: The Swarmlord, Neurothrope, The Red Terror
Titan Hunter max: 0
Bring It Down max: 3
Assassinate max: 9