Orion - Daemon Legions
940 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Whipcrack Tail, Chitinous Scales, Living Shield, Dextrous Tentacles
310 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, General, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Dextrous Tentacles(Guiding)
655 - 25x Myrmidons, C, Whipcrack Tail
250 - 10x Imps, C, Mark of the Eternal Champion
250 - 10x Imps, C, Mark of the Eternal Champion
435 - 1x Hope Harvester, Engine of Damnation, Segmented Shell
300 - 1x Blazing Glory, Cloven Hooves
300 - 1x Blazing Glory, Cloven Hooves
312 - 3x Bloat Flies, Unhinging Jaw
312 - 3x Bloat Flies, Unhinging Jaw
215 - 5x Sirens, C
215 - 5x Sirens, C