Thurvack KOE 4500 pts
690 - Duke, ( GENERAL ), Virtue Valour, Questing Oath and Bastard Sword, Shield, Uther's Conviction, Dusk Forged, Black Knight's Tabard, Dragonfire Gem, Hippogriff
465 - Duke, Virtue Audacity, Questing Oath and Bastard Sword, Shield, Cleansing Light, Crusader's Salvation, Barded Warhorse
260 - Paladin, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy, Aether Icon, Aether Icon, Barded Warhorse
385 - Damsel (Druidism), Wizard Master, Barded Warhorse
715 - 15 Knights Aspirant, Champion, Musician, Standard, Banner of the Last Charge
410 - 10 Knights Aspirant, Musician
360 - The Green Knight
130 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons, Shield
655 - 12 Questing Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard, Flaming Standard
430 - 9 Questing Knights, Musician