Jobadiah "Roman's Revenge"
RomanRagnorak - Empire of Sonnstahl
705 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Arcane Shield), Wizard Master, Divination, Light Armour (Death Cheater), Talisman of the Void
510 - Marshal, General, Great Griffon, Shield (Witchfire Guard), Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart), Ghostly Guard, Winter Cloak
320 - Marshal, Battle Standard (Legion Standard), Great Weapon, Destiny's Call, Great Tactician
240 - Wizard, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Pyromancy, Essence of a Free Mind
396 - 39 Heavy Infantry, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
279 - 18 Light Infantry, Handgun, Champion (Long Rifle)
266 - 17 Light Infantry, Handgun, Champion (Long Rifle)
185 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Spear, Support Unit, Musician
365 - 20 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Musician
190 - Artillery, Mortar
160 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
160 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
343 - 24 Flagellants
190 - 15 Flagellants
190 - 15 Flagellants