Marcel "Seikilos" Hammer
Player Name: Marcel "Seikilos" Hammer
Discord ID: Seikilos#4238
Team: Brutcamp
Factions: CSM - Alpha-Legion
Warlord: Chaos Lord
Commandpoints: 6 - 1 = 5
Total Points: 998
+++ CSM AL Warphammer (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) +++
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [50 PL, 5CP, 998pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [6CP]: 2. Incursion
Detachment CP
Legion: Alpha Legion
+ HQ +
Chaos Lord [7 PL, 113pts]: 3. Headhunter, Combi-bolter, Jump pack, No Chaos Mark, Power axe, Viper's Bite, Warlord
Sorcerer [6 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: 4. Master of Diversion, Bolt pistol, Force stave, Jump pack, Mark of Nurgle, Prescience, Warptime, We Are Alpharius
+ Troops +
Chaos Cultists [9 PL, 162pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. 26x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun: 26x Autogun
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
+ Elites +
Khorne Berzerkers [10 PL, 180pts]
. Berzerker Champion: 2x Lightning Claw
. 9x Chainsword and bolt pistol: 9x Bolt pistol, 9x Chainsword, 9x Frag & Krak grenades
+ Heavy Support +
Havocs [7 PL, 175pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Combi-plasma
. 4x Havoc w/ reaper chaincannon: 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Reaper chaincannon
Havocs [7 PL, 175pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion: Chainsword, Combi-plasma
. 4x Havoc w/ reaper chaincannon: 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Reaper chaincannon
+ Dedicated Transport +
Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 78pts]: Combi-bolter, Mark of Slaanesh
++ Total: [50 PL, 11CP, 998pts] ++
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