Drew Huntley
Zambro - DE
Dread Elves
450 - Warlock Outcast, Occultism, Ceinran's Gambit, Dragon Staff
435 - Temple Legate, Battle Standard Bearer, Book of Arcane Mastery, War Smith
325 - Legion Legate, General, Seal of the Republic, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Talisman of Shielding, Obsidian Rock
180 - Silent Assassin, Paired Weapons
275 - 8 Shadow Riders, Repeater Crossbow
235 - 8 Shadow Riders
235 - 8 Shadow Riders
190 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair, throwing weapons
190 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair, throwing weapons
520 - 24 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)
520 - 24 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)
520 - 24 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)
160 - 8 Harpies
265 - Mist Leviathan