Player 1 : Liam Vsl
Team : Hottest Takes
Faction : harlequins frozen star -Drukhari Prophets of Flesh
warlord: Shadowseer (player of the twilight)
renforcement point:none
Cp=12-2 (patrol) -1 (1 extra pivotal rôle)-1(extra relic for harlequin)-1(extra relic for Drukhari)=7
Kill point: 19
total point:2000
===== Battalion Detachment 0CP (Aeldari - Harlequins) [ 94PL,1750pts]=========
HQ1 :Shadowseer, Shards of Light, Shuriken Pistol, Twilight Pathways, Veil of Illusion, warlord player of the twilight [6 PL,115pts]
HQ2 :Troupe Master, Choreographer of WarHarlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol, The Twilight Fang, , Stratagem: Pivotal Role, darkness bite (-1cp) [4 PL, 65pts]
HQ3 :Troupe Master ,Choreographer of Wars,kiss, Shuriken Pistol,extra relic -1cp ,domino shroud ,shuriken pistol [4 PL, 71pts]
TR1 : Troupe,5 player (70) 5 kiss(30) [5 PL, 100pts]
TR2 : Troupe ,5 player (70) 5 carress(30) [5 PL, 100pts]
TR3 : Troupe 5 player (70) 3 fusion pistol(15) [5 PL, 85 pts]
TR4 : Troupe 5 player(70) 5 carress (30) [5 PL,100pts]
TR5 : Troupe 6 player(84) 6 embraces (35) [6 PL,114pts]
EL1 : Death Jester ,Humbling Cruelty, [3 PL, 50pt]:
FA1 : 5 skyweaver, 5 Zephyrglaive,5 haywire cannon [15 PL, 275pts]
FA2 : 5 skyweaver, 5 Zephyrglaive,5 haywire cannon [15 PL, 275pts]
DT1 : Starweaver [4 PL, 80pts]
DT2 : Starweaver [4 PL, 80pts]
DT3 : Starweaver [4 PL, 80pts]
DT4 : Starweaver [4 PL, 80pts]
DT5 : Starweaver [4 PL, 80pts]
===Patrol Detachment -2CP (Aeldari - Drukhari-Prophets of Flesh) [17 PL,250pts]=============
HQ4:Haemonculus : Electrocorrosive whip, hexrifle, The Vexator Mask[5 PL, 80pts]
TR6:9x Wracks,acothyst ,1xOssefactor [6 PL, 85pts]
TR7:9x Wracks,acothyst,,1xOssefactor [6 PL, 85pts]
======================================[total 2000pts,111PL]==================