MrTeapot WA007
Team: Polish Online Jackstraws Community
Player: MrTeapot
Faction: Adepta Sororitas, Inquisition
Total: 2000
CP: 7
KP: 22
Stratagems: Extra Relic (1cp), Heroine in the making (1cp)
Sacred Rite: +1advance, +1charge
+++Adepta Sororitas Vanguard: Bloody Rose -3CP+++
HQ1: Canoness- 1cp: Beneficience, 1cp: Righteous Rage- [50pts, PL3]
Elite1: 9 Repentia- [144pts, 6PL]
Elite2: 9 Repentia- [144pts, 6PL]
Elite3: 8 Repentia- [128pts, 6PL]
Elite4: 5 Zephyrim- [90pts, 5PL]
Fast1: 5 Seraphim Squad- 2x2 Hand Flamer (8)- [83pts, 4PL]
Heavy1: Mortfier- 2xHeavy Bolter (30), 2x Penitent Flail- [60pts, 3PL]
Heavy2: Mortfier- 2xHeavy Bolter (30), 2x Penitent Flail- [60pts, 3PL]
Transport1: Rhino- [80pts, 4PL]
Transport2: Rhino- [80pts, 4PL]
+++Adepta Sororitas Battalion: Valorous Heart+++
NoSlot1: Kyria Draxus- Psychic Power: Terrify- [85pts, 5PL]
NoSlot2: 2 Death Cult Assassins- [26pts, 1PL]
HQ1: Canoness- Free Relic: Litanies of Faith, Warlord: Beacon of Faith- [50pts, PL3]
HQ2: Triumph of Saint Katherine- [195pts, 10PL]
Troops1: 5 Battle Sister- Superior: Bolter, Chainsword- [55pts, 4PL]
Troops2: 5 Battle Sister- Superior: Bolter, Chainsword- [55pts, 4PL]
Troops3: 5 Battle Sister- Superior: Bolter, Chainsword- [55pts, 4PL]
Elite1: Imagifier- Tale of the Stoic- [45pts, 3PL]
Elite2: Preacher- [35pts, 2PL]
Heavy1: 5 Retributor Squad- 4xMulti-melta (80), 2xArmorium Cherub (10), Superior: Bolter, Chainsword- [160pts, 7PL]
Heavy2: 5 Retributor Squad- 4xMulti-melta (80), 2xArmorium Cherub (10), Superior: Bolter, Chainsword- [160pts, 7PL]
Heavy3: 5 Retributor Squad- 4xMulti-melta (80), 2xArmorium Cherub (10), Superior: Bolter, Chainsword- [160pts, 7PL]