Arek "Arek" Arek
+ Player: Arkadiusz Król
+ Factions: Death Guard
+ Total Army points - 1999
+ Total Reinforcement points - 1
+ Total command points: 7
+ Stratagems Used: Plaguechosen (-1CP), Gifts of Decay(-1CP), Champion of Disease(-1CP)
+ KP: 16
Mortarion's Anvil Batalion Detachement [-5CP, 1999pts]
HQ1: Typhus. Psychic powers: Gift of Plagues, Curse of the Lepper. [165]
HQ2: Malignat Plaguecaster. Miasma of Pestilence, Putrescent Vitality. Warlord: Gloaming Bloat [95]
TR1: 20x Poxwalkers [100]
TR2: 20x Poxwalkers [100]
TR3: 20x Poxwalkers [100]
EL1: Deathshroud terminators: Champion: 2xPlaguespurt Gauntlet (5): Champion of Disease(-1CP): Plague skull of Glothila, 4xDeathshroud [255]
EL2: Deathshroud terminators: Champion: 2xPlaguespurt Gauntlet (5), 4xDeathshroud [255]
EL3: Foetid Virions:
- Biologus Putrifier -1CP Plaguechosen: Arch Contaminator [65]
- Foul Blightspawn. Deadly Pathogen: Viscous Death(10) -1CP Gift of Decay: Revolting Stench-Vats[85]
- Tallyman: Free Relic: Tollkeeper
EL4: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought: 2xTwin Volkite Culverin(2x5), Hellforged Cyclone Missile Launcher (25). -1CP Martial Legacy [175]
EL5: Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought: 2xTwin Volkite Culverin(2x5), Hellforged Cyclone Missile Launcher (25). -1CP Martial Legacy [175]
EL6: Blightlord Terminators: 5xCombi-Bolter+Bubotic Axe, 1xFlail of Corruption(5), 1xBlight Launcher(5)+Bubotic Axe [290]
FA1: Chaos Spawn [23]
FA2: Chaos Spawn [23]
FA3: Chaos Spawn [23]