Dimitrios Papageorgiou
Player4: Dimitrios Papageorgiou
Factions used: Tyranids
Command Points:9
Army Points: 2000
Kill Points: 14
Reinforcement Points:2
Pre Game Stratagems:Progeny of the Hive
ITC Faction: Tyranids
Warlord: Hive Tyrant
== <Tyranids - Kronos > Patrol Detachment== -2CP, 640ptspts
HQ1:Neurothrope: Claws and Teeth,Power:Smite,Symbiostorm-[5 PL, 95pts]
TR1:Termagants:10xTermagant,10xFleshborer-[3 PL, 50pts]
TR2:Termagants:10xTermagant,10xFleshborer-[3 PL, 50pts]
TR3:Termagants:10xTermagant,10xFleshborer-[3 PL, 50pts]
EL1:Hive Guard:5xHive Guard,5xImpaler Cannon [50pts]-[12 PL, 225pts]
HS1:Exocrine:Bio-Plasmic Cannon, Powerful Limbs-[9 PL, 170pts]
== <Tyranids - Kraken > Battalion Detachment== 0CP, 1,360spts
HQ2:Hive Tyrant :Adrenal Glands,Arachnacyte Gland,Monstrous Scything
Talons,Power:Onslaught,Smite,The Horror, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Two Devourers with
Brainleech Worms,[WARLORD], Wings [2 PL, 30pts]-[11 PL, 220pts]
HQ3:The Swarmlord:Bone Sabres,Power:Catalyst,Smite,Synaptic Lure,Prehensile Pincer Tail-[14 PL, 270pts]
TR4:Hormagaunts:10x Hormagaunt,10xScything Talons-[3 PL, 60pts]
TR5:Hormagaunts:10x Hormagaunt,10xScything Talons-[3 PL, 60pts]
TR6:Hormagaunts:10x Hormagaunt,10xScything Talons-[3 PL, 60pts]
FA1:Dimachaeron: Massive Scything Sickle-Talons, Scything Tail,Adaptive
Physiology:Accelerated Digestion-[12 PL, 230pts]
FA2:Dimachaeron: Massive Scything Sickle-Talons, Scything Tail,Adaptive
Physiology:Accelerated Digestion-[12 PL, 230pts]
FA3:Dimachaeron: Massive Scything Sickle-Talons, Scything Tail-[12 PL, 230pts]