Fabian Pfeffer
Team: Randoms
Discord ID: Nazdreg#2230
BCP Email: fabian-pfeffer@mail.de
ITC Faction: Chaos
Factions used: Chaos Space Marines, Thousand Sons
Commandpoints: 6
Army Points: 1998 Pts
Kill Points: 13
Reinforcement Points: 2
Pre Game Stratagems: Relics of the Thousand Sons
== <Chaos Space Marines - Iron Warriors> Battalion Detachment== 0CP, 1353pts
HQ1: Lord Discordant on Helstalker: Mark of Tzeentch,Relic: Techno-venomous Mechatendrils,Baleflamer,Helstalker,Techno-virus injector-[10 PL, 200pts]
HQ2: Master of Possession: [WARLORD:Daemonsmith],Psychic Powers: Cursed Earth,Infernal Power,Mark of Tzeentch-[5 PL, 95pts]
TR1: Chaos Cultists: Mark of Tzeentch,Cultist Champion,Autogun,9x Chaos Cultist,9x Autogun-[3 PL, 60pts]
TR2: Chaos Cultists: Mark of Tzeentch,Cultist Champion,Autogun,9x Chaos Cultist,9x Autogun-[3 PL, 60pts]
TR3: Chaos Cultists: Mark of Tzeentch,Cultist Champion,Autogun,9x Chaos Cultist,9x Autogun-[3 PL, 60pts]
FA1: Chaos Spawn: Chaos Spawn,No Chaos Mark-[1 PL, 23pts]
EL1: Decimator: Mark of Tzeentch,2x Soulburner petard-[9 PL, 180pts]
EL2: Decimator: Mark of Tzeentch,2x Soulburner petard-[9 PL, 180pts]
EL3: Decimator: Mark of Tzeentch,2x Soulburner petard-[9 PL, 180pts]
HS1: Obliterators: Mark of Slaanesh,3x Obliterator,3x Crushing fists,3x Fleshmetal guns-[15 PL, 315pts]
== <Thousand Sons - Cult of Mutation> Patrol Detachment== -2CP, 180pts
HQ1: Sorcerer: Relic: Helm of the Third Eye,Psychic Powers: Glamour of Tzeentch,Warptime,Force sword,Inferno Bolt Pistol-[5 PL, 90pts]
TR1: Rubric Marines: Aspiring Sorcerer: Psychic Powers: Weaver of Fates,Force stave,Inferno Bolt Pistol,4x Rubric Marine,4x Inferno boltgun-[6 PL, 90pts]
== <Thousand Sons - Cult of Mutation> Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachments == -3CP, 465pts
LOW1: Magnus the Red: Psychic Powers: Doombolt, Gaze of Fate, Infernal Gateway-[24 PL, 465pts]
++ Total: [102 PL,1,998pts] ++