Giovanni Errichiello
Team: Tarallucci & Vino
Discord ID: Giosar5 #7596
BCP Email:
ITC Faction: Necrons
Player7: Giovanni Errichiello
Factions used: Necrons
Command Points: 6 (12-2-3-1)
Army Points: 2000
Kill Points: 12
Reinforcement Points:0
Pre Game Stratagems: Dinastic Heirloom -1 CP
== Outrider Detachment (Custom: Eternal Conqueror, Relentlessely Expansionist) == -3CP, 1.115pts
HQ1: Chronomancer, Entropyc Lance, Extra Relic (Gauntlet of the Conflagrator) [4PL,80pts]
EL1: Transcendant Ctan, Fractured Personnality (Cosmic Tyrant), Powers of the Ctan: Sky of Falling Stars, Antimatter Meteor [14PL,270pts]
FA1: 8 Canoptek Scarab Swarm, 8x Feeder Mandibles [6PL,120pts]
FA2: 8 Canoptek Scarab Swarm, 8x Feeder Mandibles [6PL,120pts]
FA3: 7 Canoptek Scarab Swarm, 7x Feeder Mandibles [6PL,105pts]
FA4: 4x Canoptek Wraiths, 4x Whip Coils [10PL,140pts]
FA5: 4x Canoptek Wraiths, 4x Whip Coils [10PL,140pts]
FA6: 4x Canoptek Wraiths, 4x Whip Coils [10PL,140pts]
== Patrol Detachment (Custom: Eternal Conqueror, Relentlessely Expansionist) == 0CP, 515pts
HQ2: Chronomancer, Entropyc Lance, WARLORD (Implacable Conqueror), Free Relic (The Veil of Darkness) [4PL,80pts]
TR1: 5 Immortals (85) [4PL,85pts]
EL2: Ctan Shard of the Void Dragon, Powers of the Ctan (Voltaic Storm, Random) [18PL, 350pts]
== Auxiliary Support Detachment (Custom: Eternal Conqueror, Relentlessely Expansionist) == -2CP, 370pts
EL3: Ctan Shard of the Nightbringer, Powers of the Ctan (Gaze of Death, Transdimensional Thunderbolt) [18PL, 370pts]