Calum Purdie
++Player: Calum Purdie
++Discord: Calum#8190
++Army Faction: Space Marines
++Factions Used: Space Marines
++Total Points: 2,000
++Reinforcement Points: 0
++Total PL: 96
++Pre Game Stratagems: 2x Hero of the Chapter, 2x Relics of the Chapter
++Starting CP: 8CP
==Primary Detachment: Space Marines <Dark Angels 1st Company> Vanguard Detachment 0CP [1,005pts, 50 PL]
HQ1: Azrael [170pts, 8 PL] ++Warlord (Brilliant Strategist)
HQ2: Ezekiel [125pts, 7 PL] ++Psychic Powers (Mind Worm, Engulfing Fear, Mind Wipe)
EL1: Bladeguard Ancient [85pts, 5PL] ++Free Relic (Pennant of Rememberance)
EL2: Deathwing Command Squad (2x35) Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield (1x10) Lightning Claw Pair (0) [80pts, 4PL]
EL3: Deathwing Command Squad (2x35) Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield (1x10) Lightning Claw Pair (0) Watcher in the Dark (5) [85pts, 4PL]
EL4: Deathwing Terminator Squad (10x33) 5x Chainfist and Stormbolter (5x5) 2x Cyclone Missle Launcher (2x25) 5x Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield (5x10) Watcher in the Dark (5) [460pts, 18PL]
==Secondary Detachment: Space Marines <Dark Angels> Patrol Detachment -2CP [995pts, 48 PL]
HQ3: Lieutenants - Ravenwing Talonmaster [160pts, 8 PL] ++Relics of the Chapter (Arbiter's Gaze) (-1CP)
HQ4: Lieutenants - Ravenwing Talonmaster [160pts, 8 PL] ++Relics of the Chapter (Heavenfall Blade)(-1CP) ++Hero of the Chapter (Rites of War)(-1CP)
TR1: 5x Infiltrator [120pts, 6PL]
EL5: Ravenwing Apothecary (100) Chief Apothecary (15) Astartes Grenade Launcher (0) [115pts, 6PL] ++Hero of the Chapter (Selfless Healer)(-1CP)
FA1: 3x Attack Bike (3x45) Multi-Melta (3x10) [165pts, 6PL]
FA2: 5x Inceptors (5x45) Plasma Exterminators (5x10) [275pts, 14PL]
++ Total: [96PL, -6CP, 2,000pts]++