Team: Switzerland Team
Discord ID: Le_Tsetse #3160
BCP Email: cedric.fechoz@hotmail.fr
ITC Faction: Tyranid
Player: 1
Factions used: Tyranid
Command Points: 9
Army Points: 2000
Kill Points: 15
Reinforcement Points: 0
Pre Game Stratagems: Porgeny of the hive
== Tyranid - Kraken Battalion Detachment== 0CP, 1374pts
HQ1: Broodlord: monstrous rending claws, Relic : Resonance barb, [WARLORD], Psychic Powers: Onslaught-[8PL, 125pts]
HQ2: Swarmlord: bone sabres, prehensile pincer tail, Psychic powers: Catalyst, Paroxysm [15 PL, 270pts]
TR1: Termagants: 13xtermagants, 13xfleshborer [5 PL, 65pts]
TR2: Termagants: 10xtermagants, 10xfleshborer [3 PL, 50pts]
TR3: Termagants: 10xtermagants, 10xfleshborer [3 PL, 50pts]
TR4: Termagants: 10xtermagants, 10xfleshborer [3 PL, 50pts]
EL1: Lictor: flesh hooks, grasping talons, rending claws [2 PL, 37pts]
EL2: Lictor: flesh hooks, grasping talons, rending claws [2 PL, 37pts]
FA1: Dimachaeron: massive scything sickle-talons, scything tail [Adaptative physiology: accelerated digestion] [12 PL, 230pts]
FA2: Dimachaeron: massive scything sickle-talons, scything tail [Adaptative physiology: accelerated digestion] [12 PL, 230pts]
FA3: Dimachaeron: massive scything sickle-talons, scything tail [12 PL, 230pts]
== Tyranid - Kronos Patrol Detachment== -2CP, 626pts
HQ3: Neurothrope:claws and teeth, Psychic powers: symbiostorm-[4 PL, 95pts]
TR4: Ripper swarms : 3x ripper swarms, 3x claws and teeth [2 PL, 36pts]
EL3: Hive guards: 6x hive guards, 6x impaller canon [13 PL, 270pts]
EL4: Hive guards: 5x hive guards, 5x impaller canon [13 PL, 225pts]
++ Total: [108 PL,2000pts] ++