Team: Spain
Discord ID: Franky#3494
BCP email:
ITC Faction: Forces of the Hive Mind
Player 8: Franky
Factions used: Tyranids, Genestealer Cult
Command points: 7+1d3
Army points: 1998
Reinforcement points: 0
Kill points: 14
Pre game stratagems: progeny of the hive -1CP
== Patrol Detachment (-2CP) 1367pts <Tyranids – Kraken> ==
HQ1: Broodlord: Power: Paroxysm [7 PL, 125pts]
HQ2: The Swarmlord: Power: Catalyst, Onslaught [14 PL, 270pts]
TR1: Genestealers: 11x Genestealer with Rending Claws and Scything talons, 3x Genestealer with Rending Claws, Scything talons and Acid Maw [16 PL, 210pts]
TR2: Genestealers: 11x Genestealer with Rending Claws and Scything talons, 3x Genestealer with Rending Claws, Scything talons and Acid Maw [16 PL, 210pts]
TR3: Tyranid Warriors: Adrenal Glands, 5x Tyranid warrior with 2x Scything Talons, 3x Tyranid Warrior with Lash Whip and Bonesword, Scything Talons, Adaptive Physiology (-1CP): Enhanced Resistance [12 PL, 153pts]
== Patrol Detachment (-2CP) 416pts <Tyranids – Kronos> ==
HQ1: Neurothrope: Power: Symbiostorm [5 PL, 95pts]
TR1: Tyranid Warriors: 1x Tyranid Warrior with 2x Scything Talons, 2x Tyranid Warrior with Lash Whip and Bonesword, Scything Talons [4 PL, 57pts]
TR2: Tyranid Warriors: 1x Tyranid Warrior with 2x Scything Talons, 2x Tyranid Warrior with Lash Whip and Bonesword, Scything Talons [4 PL, 57pts]
TR3: Tyranid Warriors: 3x Tyranid Warrior with 2x Scything Talons [4 PL, 51pts]
EL1: Hive Guard: 6x Hive Guard (Impaler Cannon) [12 PL, 270pts]
EL2: Hive Guard: 6x Hive Guard (Impaler Cannon) [12 PL, 270pts]
== Patrol Detachment (0CP) 215pts <Genestealers Cult –Cult four armed emperor> ==
HQ1: Patriarch WARLORD (Inscrutable cunning): 1x Familiar, RELIC: The Crouchling, Power: Mass Hypnosis, Mental Onslaught, Mind Control [7 PL, 150pts]
TR1: Acolyte Hybrids: 4x Acolyte Hybrids, 1x Acolyte Leader [3 PL, 40pts]
TR2: Acolyte Hybrids: 4x Acolyte Hybrids, 1x Acolyte Leader [3 PL, 40pts]