Jaime Paris
Player 5 : Jaime Paris
Discord ID: Spaniard52#2855
Bcp address: parismeseguerjaime@gmail.com
Team : Hottest Takes
Faction : Space Wolves Successors
warlord: Chapter Master with Frost Claws
renforcement point: none
Cp=-1 Cp for double warlord trait, -1Cp for extra WLT, -1Cp for extra WLT, -2Cp for SW relic, -1CP for extra relic
Kill point:16
Army points:1999
= Battalion Detachment (Space Wolves Successor,Born Heroes, Whirlwind of Rage) [104 PL,1,999pts]=================
HQ 1: Chapter Master: Chapter Command: Chapter Master, Frost Weapon, Hunter, Jump Pack, Lightning Claw (Pair), Stratagem: Warrior of Legend, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord [8 PL, -1CP, 155pts]
HQ 2: Librarian: 2. Murderous Hurricane, 5. Storm Caller, Boltgun, Force axe, Jump Pack, Rites of War, The Armour of Russ [6 PL, -3CP, 115pts]
HQ 3: Primaris Chaplain on Bike: 4. Mantra of Strength 6. Canticle of Hate (Aura), Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Wise Orator, Benediction of Fury [7 PL, -2CP, 140pts]
TR1: Blood Claws: 5x Blood Claw, 5x Astartes Chainsword, 5x Bolt pistol [6 PL, 90pts]
TR2: Blood Claws: 5x Blood Claw, 5x Astartes Chainsword, 5x Bolt pistol [6 PL, 90pts]
TR3: Incursor Squad: 5x Incursor: 5x Bolt pistol, 4x Occulus bolt carbine [5 PL, 105pts]
EL1: Redemptor Dreadnought: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon [9 PL, 185pts]
EL2: Redemptor Dreadnought: 2x Storm Bolters, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon [9 PL, 180pts]
EL3: Wolf Guard: Jump Pack 5x Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield [7 PL, 140pts]
EL4: Wolf Guard: Jump Pack 5x Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield [7 PL, 140pts]
EL5: Wolf Guard: Jump Pack 5x Wolf Guard: Lightning Claw, Storm shield [7 PL, 140pts]
EL6: Wulfen: Wulfen Pack Leader: Wulfen Frost claws, 4x Wulfen w/ thunder hammer & storm shield [8 PL, 194pts]
FA1: Skyclaws: 5x Skyclaw, 5x Astartes Chainsword, 5x Bolt pistol [6 PL, 100pts]
FA2: Skyclaws: 5x Skyclaw, 5x Astartes Chainsword, 5x Bolt pistol [6 PL, 100pts]
FA3: 1x Cyberwolf [1 PL, 15pts]
DT1: Land Speeder Storm: Heavy Bolter, Cerberus Launcher [3 PL, 55pts]
DT2: Land Speeder Storm: Heavy Bolter, Cerberus Launcher [3 PL, 55pts]
======================================[total 1999pts,104PL]================