+Team: Paris United Omega
+Discord ID: Grimmjollow#3231
+BCP Email :
+ITC Faction : Necron
+Country: France
+Player : Jules "Grimmjollow" Champion
+List fancy name : Gods are among us
+Factions: Necron
+Total Command Points: 7 CP ( 12 - 2 - 3 )
+Total Army Points: 2000 / 111 PL
+Total Kill Points : 12
+Reinforcement points : none
+Before the Battle Stratagemes: None
== Outrider Detachment <Eternal Conqueror, Relentlessely Expansionnist> == -3CP, 1115pts
HQ1 : Chronomancer (1*80), Entropy Lance (0) [4PL,80]
E1 : Transcendant C'tan (1*270), [Fractured Personnality : Cosmic Tyrant] [Powers of the C'tan : Sky of Falling Stars, Antimatter Meteor] [14PL,270]
FA1 : 8 Canoptek Scarab Swarm (45 + 5*15) [6PL,120]
FA2 : 8 Canoptek Scarab Swarm (45 + 5*15) [6PL,120]
FA3 : 7 Canoptek Scarab Swarm (45 + 4*15) [6PL,105]
FA4 : 4 Canoptek Wraiths (105 + 1*35), 4 Whip Coil [10PL,140]
FA5 : 4 Canoptek Wraiths (105 + 1*35), 4 Whip Coil [10PL,140]
FA6 : 4 Canoptek Wraiths (105 + 1*35), 4 Whip Coil [10PL,140]
== Patrol Detachment <Eternal Conqueror, Relentlessely Expansionnist> == 0CP, 515pts
HQ2 : Chronomancer (1*80), Entropy Lance (0), WARLORD - [Trait : Implacable Conqueror], [Relic : The Veil of Darkness] [4PL,80]
TR1: 5 Immortals (85) [4PL,85]
E2: C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon (350), [Powers of the C'tan : Volaic Storm, Random] [18PL, 350]
== Auxiliary Support Detachment <Eternal Conqueror, Relentlessely Expansionnist> == -2CP, 370pts
E3 : C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer (370), [Powers of the C'tan : Gaze of Death, Transdimensional Thunderbolt] [18PL, 370]