Theo Wrath Thepleymo
+Team: Paris United Omega
+Discord ID: Wrath thepleymo#6297
+BCP Email :
+ITC Faction : Astra Militarum
+Country: France
+Player : Théo "Wrath" Hotte
+List fancy name : Gambas Lions
+Factions: Astra Militarum
+Total Command Points: 12-2-1-1-1 = 7 CP
+Total Army Points: 2000
+Total Kill Points : 18 KP
+Reinforcement points : none
+Before the Battle Stratagemes: Extra trait, Extra Relic, Tank Ace
== Astra Militarum – < 133rd Lambdan Lions > Battalion Detachment == -0CP, [1535pts]
HQ1: Tempestor Prime(40), Tempestus Command Rod(5), Power sword(5), [3PL, 50pts] [Warlord : Old Grudge] [Laurels of Command]
HQ2: Tempestor Prime(40), Tempestus Command Rod(5), Power sword(5), [3PL, 50pts] [Progeny of Conflict : Keys of the Armorium -1CP] [Relic :Refractor Shield (-1CP)]
TROUP1: 10 Militarum Tempestus Scions(90), 4 Plasma gun(40), Plasma Pistol(0) - [5PL, 130pts]
TROUP2: 10 Militarum Tempestus Scions(90), 4 Plasma gun(40), Plasma Pistol(0) - [5PL, 130pts]
TROUP3: 10 Militarum Tempestus Scions(90), 4 Plasma gun(40), Plasma Pistol(0) - [5PL, 130pts]
TROUP4: 10 Militarum Tempestus Scions(90), 4 Plasma gun(40), Plasma Pistol(0) - [5PL, 130pts]
TROUP5: 10 Militarum Tempestus Scions(90), 4 Plasma gun(40), Plasma Pistol(0) - [5PL, 130pts]
ELITE1: Militarum Tempestus Command Squad(40), 4 Meltagun(40) – [4PL, 80pts]
ELITE2: Militarum Tempestus Command Squad(40), 4 Meltagun(40) – [4PL, 80pts]
DT1 : Taurox Prime(115), Taurox Gatling Cannon(5), Heavy Stubber(5) – [7PL, 125pts]
DT2 : Taurox Prime(115), Taurox Gatling Cannon(5), Heavy Stubber(5) – [7PL, 125pts]
DT3 : Taurox Prime(115), Taurox Gatling Cannon(5), Heavy Stubber(5) – [7PL, 125pts]
DT4 : Taurox Prime(115), Taurox Gatling Cannon(5), Heavy Stubber(5) – [7PL, 125pts]
DT5 : Taurox Prime(115), Taurox Gatling Cannon(5), Heavy Stubber(5) – [7PL, 125pts]
== Astra Militarum – < Wrath's Sons > Custom Regimental Doctrine : Spotter Detail, Gunnery Expert> == > Patrol Detachment == -2CP, [465pts]
HQ3 : Tank Commander(175), Canon Demolisher(5), Las Cannon(20), 2 Multi-Melta(50), Hunter Killer Missile(5), Heavy Stubber(5), Augur Array(5) - [12PL, 265pts]
TROUP6: 5 Militarum Tempestus Scions, Plasma Pistol(0) - [3PL, 45pts] <9th Iotan Gorgon>
HS1 : Manticore (145), Hunter Killer Missile(5), Augur Array(5) [Tank Ace : Full Payload(-1 Cp)] [8PL, 155pts]