Dustin Henshaw
++ Team: Canada
++ Player 2: Dustin Henshaw
++ Discord ID: Dustin#4286
++ BCP Email: dustin.henshaw@crystalnexus.net
++Army Faction: Forces of the Hive Mind
++Factions Used: Tyranids/GSC
++Total Points: 2000
++Total PL: 103
++Reinforcement Points: 0
++Starting CP: 7
++Stratagem: Adaptive technology (-1CP)
==Primary Detachment - Tyranids <Kraken> Battalion 0CP [1105pts, 59PL]
HQ: Hive Tyrant (155) - Monstrous Scything Talons(10), Power: Onslaught, Power: Psychic Shriek, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms(20), Warlord (No Trait) Wings(30) ++Relic (The Resonance Barb) ++Adaptive Physiology (Murderous Size)[215pts, 12PL]
HQ: The Swarmlord (270) - [270pts, 14PL] ++Psyker (Catalyst, Paroxysm)
TR: 10x Termagant (10x5) - [50pts, 3PL]
TR: 10x Termagant (10x5) - [50pts, 3PL]
TR: 10x Hormagant (10x6) - [60pts, 3PL]
FA: Dimacheron (230) - [230pts, 12PL]
FA: Dimacheron (230) - [230pts, 12PL]
==Secondary Detachment - Tyranids <Kronos> Patrol -2CP [780pts, 37PL]
HQ: Neurothrope (95) - [95pts, 5PL] ++Psyker (Symbiostorm)
TR: 20x Termagant (20x5) - Devourer(20x2) - [140pts, 6PL]
EL: 6x Hive Guard (6x35) 6x Impaler Cannon (6x10) - [270pts, 12PL]
HS: Barbed Hierodule (275) - [275pts, 14PL] ++Adaptive Physiology (Dermic Symbiosis) -1CP
==Tertiary Detachment - Genestealer Cult <Four-Armed Emperor> Patrol -2CP [115pts, 7PL]
HQ: Jackal Alphus (75) - [75pts, 4PL]
TR: 5x Acolyte (8x5) - [40pts, 3PL]