

Discord ID: Citronnade#4724
BCP Email:
ITC Faction: Adeptus Custodes
Factions used: Adeptus Custodes, Sisters of Silence
Command points: 4
Army points: 1,999
Kill Points: 12
Reinforcement Points: 1
Pre-game Stratagems:
Open the Vaults (1 relic)
Ten Thousand Heroes
Eternal Penitent x5
Shield Host Choice: Shadowkeepers

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [103 PL, 4CP, 1,999pts] ++

HQ 1: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: Salvo Launcher, Ten Thousand Heroes: Champion of the Imperium, Eagle's Eye - [9 PL, -1 CP, 175pts]

HQ 2: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: Salvo Launcher, Warlord, Superior Creation, Captain-Commander: Unstoppable Destroyer, Auric Aquilas - [9 PL, -1 CP, 175pts]

TR 1: Custodian Guard Squad: 3x Custodian with Sentinel Blade+Storm Shield - [7 PL, 156pts]

TR 2: Sagittarum Custodians: 3x Sagittarum Custodian with Misericordia - [7 PL, 159pts]

TR 3: Sagittarum Custodians: 3x Sagittarum Custodian with Misericordia - [7 PL, 159pts]

EL 1: Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought: Eternal Penitent, 2x Lastrum Storm Bolter - [9 PL, -1 CP, 160pts]

EL 2: Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought: Eternal Penitent, 2x Lastrum Storm Bolter - [9 PL, -1 CP, 160pts]

EL 3: Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought: Eternal Penitent, 2x Adrathic Destructor - [9 PL, -1 CP, 180pts]

EL 4: Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought: Eternal Penitent - [9 PL, -1 CP, 170pts]

EL 5: Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought: Eternal Penitent - [9 PL, -1 CP, 170pts]

EL 6: Prosecutors: 4x Prosecutors, 1x Sister Superior - [3 PL, 60pts]

FA 1: Venatari Custodians: 5x Venatari Custodian with Kinetic Destroyer and Tarsus Buckler - [16 PL, 275pts]
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