Stefan Pazderka
Discord ID: Double_O#9653
BCP Email:
ITC Faction: Adepta Sororitas
Factions used: Adepta Sororitas
Command Points:10
Army Points: 1999
Kill Points: 19
Reinforcement Points: 0
Pre Game Stratagems: Open the Reliquaries, Heroine in the Making
== <Imperium - Adepta Sororitas, Order of the Bloody Rose> Battalion Detachment == 0CP, 1999pts
NFOrg1:Death Cult Assassins: 2x Death Cult Assassin, 2x Death Cult power blades [1 PL, 26pts]
NFOrg2:Death Cult Assassins: 2x Death Cult Assassin, 2x Death Cult power blades [1 PL, 26pts]
HQ1:Canoness: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Null Rod, Relic: Beneficence [Heroine in the Making - Righteous Rage] - [3 PL, 50pts]
HQ2:Celestine: [Warlord: Beacon of Faith] - [8 PL, 170pts]
HQ3:Triumph of Saint Katherine - [10 PL, 195pts]
TR1:Battle Sister Squad: Simulacrum,Sister Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Boltpistol, 4x Battle Sister, 4x Boltgun & 4x Boltpistol
-[4 PL, 55pts]
TR2:Battle Sister Squad: Simulacrum,Sister Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Boltpistol, 4x Battle Sister, 4x Boltgun & 4x Boltpistol
-[4 PL, 55pts]
TR3:Battle Sister Squad: Simulacrum,Sister Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Boltpistol, 4x Battle Sister, 4x Boltgun & 4x Boltpistol
-[4 PL, 55pts]
EL1:Zephyrim Squad: Zephyrim Superior: Power sword, Bolt pistol, Zephyrim Pendant, 9x Zephyrim, 9x Power sword, 9x Bolt pistol-[8 PL, 185pts]
EL2:Zephyrim Squad: Zephyrim Superior: Power sword, Zephyrim Pendant,Bolt pistol, 8x Zephyrim, 8x Power sword, 8x Bolt pistol-[8 PL, 167pts]
EL3:Sisters Repentia: 9x Sisters Repentia: 9x Penitent Eviscerator-[6 PL, 144pts]
EL4:Sisters Repentia: 8x Sisters Repentia: 8x Penitent Eviscerator-[6 PL, 128pts]
EL5:Sisters Repentia: 8x Sisters Repentia: 8x Penitent Eviscerator-[6 PL, 128pts]
EL6:Preacher: Chainsword, Laspistol, Relic: Book of St. Lucius[2 PL, 35pts]
FA1:Seraphim Squad: Seraphim Superior: 2x Bolt pistol, 4x Seraphim, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Inferno Pistols-[4 PL, 95pts]
HS1:Retributor Squad: Retributor Superior: Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Boltgun, 4x Retributor, 4x Multi-melta, 4x Bolt pistol, 2x Amorium Cherub-[7 PL, 160pts]
HS2:Retributor Squad: Retributor Superior: Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Hand Flamer, 4x Retributor, 4x Multi-melta, 4x Bolt pistol, 2x Amorium Cherub-[7 PL, 165pts]
DT1:Sororitas Rhino-[4 PL, 80pts]
DT2:Sororitas Rhino-[4 PL, 80pts]
++ Total: [105 PL, 1999pts] ++