Rolf Pihl
Team: Copenhammer
Discord ID: Nivious#4311
BCP Email:
ITC Faction: Craftworlds
Faction Used: Craftworlds
Command Points: 10
Army Points: [105 PL, 2000 pts]
Kill Points:
Pre Game Stratagems: -None-
== Primary Deatchment - Craftworlds <Expert crafters, Hunters of ancient relics> Patrol Detachment 0CP ==
[69 PL, 0CP, 1280 pts]
HQ1: Spiritseer: Warlord: Seer of the shifting vector, Relic: faolchu's wings, powers: Focus Will, Quicken/restrain [3PL, 60 pts]
HQ2: Warlock skyrunner: Powers: Smite, Protect/Jinx [4 PL, 65 pts]
TR1: 5 Dire avengers: Dual shuriken catapult, Exarch power: Bladestorm [2PL, 55 pts]
EL1: 5 Howling Banshees: Executioner, Exarch Power: Piercing strike [3 PL, 80 pts]
EL2: 5 Howling Banshees: Executioner, Exarch Power: Piercing strike [3 PL, 80 pts]
FA1: 5 Shining spears: Exarch power: Skilled Rider [10 PL, 175 pts]
FA2: 5 Shining spears: Exarch power: Skilled Rider [10 PL, 175 pts]
HV1: Falcon: Aeldari Missile Launcher [8 PL, 135 pts]
HV2: Falcon: Aeldari Missile Launcher [8 PL, 135 pts]
DT1: Wave serpent: Twin shuriken cannons [9 PL, 150 pts]
DT2: Wave serpent: Twin Aeldari Missile Launcher [9 PL, 170 pts]
== Secondary Detachment - Craftworlds <Expert crafters, Hunters of ancient relics> Patrol Detachment -2CP ==
[36 PL, -2CP, 720 pts]
HQ3: Autarch with swooping hawk wings [5 PL, 90 pts]
HQ4: Farseer skyrunner: Powers: Smite, Doom, Executioner [7 PL, 135 pts]
TR2: 5 Dire avengers: Dual shuriken catapult, Exarch power: Bladestorm [2 PL, 55 pts]
FA3: 5 Warp spiders: Dual death spinner, Exarch power: Web of Deceit [4 PL, 90 pts]
HV3: 10 Dark Reapers: Reaper launcher, Exarch power: Fast shot [18 PL, 350 pts]