Nicola Giannini
Nicola Giannini
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [107 PL, 1,999pts, 10CP] ++
+ Configuration [12CP] +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Detachment Command Cost
Plague Company: Mortarion's Anvil
+ Stratagems [-1CP] +
Gifts of Decay [-1CP]: Additional Relics [-1CP]
+ HQ [12 PL, 225pts] +
Lord of Virulence [7 PL, 130pts]: Blight grenades, Fugaris' Helm, Gloaming Bloat, Krak grenades, Plague claw, Twin plague spewer, Viscous Death [1 PL, 10pts], Warlord
Malignant Plaguecaster [5 PL, 95pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 4. Putrescent Vitality, Blight grenades, Bolt pistol, Corrupted staff, Krak grenades, Smite
+ Troops [6 PL, 150pts] +
Poxwalkers [2 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Poxwalker [50pts]: 10x Improvised weapon
Poxwalkers [2 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Poxwalker [50pts]: 10x Improvised weapon
Poxwalkers [2 PL, 50pts]
. 10x Poxwalker [50pts]: 10x Improvised weapon
+ Elites [52 PL, 895pts] +
Deathshroud Terminators [14 PL, 215pts]
. Deathshroud Champion [65pts]: Chimes of contagion [15pts], Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlet
. 3x Deathshroud Terminator [150pts]: 3x Manreaper, 3x Plaguespurt gauntlet
Deathshroud Terminators [14 PL, 250pts]
. Deathshroud Champion [50pts]: Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlet
. 4x Deathshroud Terminator [200pts]: 4x Manreaper, 4x Plaguespurt gauntlet
Deathshroud Terminators [14 PL, 250pts]
. Deathshroud Champion [50pts]: Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlet
. 4x Deathshroud Terminator [200pts]: 4x Manreaper, 4x Plaguespurt gauntlet
Foul Blightspawn [5 PL, 95pts]: Blight grenades, Corrosive Filth [1 PL, 20pts], Krak grenades, Plague sprayer, Revolting Stench-vats, Unholy death's head grenade
Foul Blightspawn [5 PL, 85pts]: Befouling Runoff [1 PL, 10pts], Blight grenades, Krak grenades, Plague sprayer, Unholy death's head grenade
+ Fast Attack [10 PL, 204pts, -1CP] +
Chaos Spawn [3 PL, 69pts, -1CP]: Grandfatherly Influence [-1CP]
. 3x Chaos Spawn [3 PL, 69pts]: 3x Hideous mutations
Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 135pts]: Fleshmower [5pts], Plague probe
+ Heavy Support [27 PL, 525pts] +
Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon [10pts], Heavy slugger, Plagueburst Mortar
Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon [10pts], Heavy slugger, Plagueburst Mortar
Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon [10pts], Heavy slugger, Plagueburst Mortar
++ Total: [107 PL, 10CP, 1,999pts] ++
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