Geordie Holdsworth
Vermin Swarm
315 - Tyrant, Vermin Hulk Bodyguard, Light Armour, Paired Weapons and Tail Weapon, Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart)
280 - Plague Patriarch, General, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Magical Heirloom
245 - Chief, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Banner of the Endless Swarm), Light Armour, Sceptre of Vermin Valour
180 - Chief, Vermin Hulk Bodyguard, Light Armour, Paired Weapons and Tail Weapon
180 - Rakachit Machinist, Ratlock Pistols
385 - 50 Rats-at-Arms, Spear, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Endless Swarm)
205 - 15 Footpads, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
161 - 42 Slaves
495 - 7 Vermin Hulks, Champion
234 - 10 Plague Disciples
160 - 4 Jezails
160 - 4 Jezails