Andrea “ilMalna” Malnati
Tyranid Battalion – Hive Fleet Jormungandr
The Swarmlord Powers: Catalyst, Onslaught – 270 points, 14 PL
Malanthrope 150 points, 8PL
Neurothrope Warlord. Relic: resonance barb, w/ Powers: Lurking Maws – 95 points, 5PL
8 Tyranid Warriors 8x lash whip and boneswords, 8x death spitters, 8x Adrenal Glands – 216 points,12PL
3 Tyranid Warriors (51) 6x Scything Talons (0), Adrenal Glands (3) – 54 points, 4 PL
3 Tyranid Warriors (51) 6x Scything Talons (0), Adrenal Glands (3) – 54 points, 4 PL
10 Hormagaunts – 60 points, 3PL
3 Ripper Swarms – 36 points, 2PL
Lictor – 37 points, 2PL
Lictor – 37 points, 2PL
Lictor – 37 points, 2PL
Fast Attack
3 Raveners (60) w/ 2 Scything Talons (0) – 60 points, 3PL
3 Raveners (60) w/ 2 Scything Talons (0) – 60 points, 3PL
Heavy Support
Barbed Heirodule Adaptive Physiology: Dermic Symbiosis (Progeny of the Hive -1 CP) – 275 points, 14 PL
Barbed Heiordule Adaptive Physiology: Dermic Symbiosis ( no warlord trait ) – 275 points, 14PL
Barbed Heiordule – 275 points, 14PL
Total Points: 1991