Andrea Guareschi
Guareschi Andrea
Faction: Death Guard
Plague Company: The Harbringers
Terminus est assault force
Pre-game stratagems: 2x Gift Of Decay (-2CP), Plaguechosen (-1CP), 3x Grandfatherly Influence (-3CP)
Total CP: 6
Battalion Detachment +0CP
HQ1: Malignant Plaguecaster, Lungrot, Rotwind, RELIC: Filth Censers (Gift of decay) 95pts
HQ2: Malignant Plaguecaster, Miasma of pestilence, Gift of plague 95pts
HQ3: Typhus, Noxious discharge, Accelerated Entropy, WARLORD: Harbriger of death, Shamblerot
TROOP1: Plague marines (5 models), 3xBolgun, 1xFlail, Champion with boltun, 4x Plague Knife 115 pts
TROOP2: Plague marines (5 models), 3xBolgun, Blight Launcher, Champion with boltun, 4x Plague Knife 115 pts
TROOP3: Poxwalkers (20 models) 100pts
TROOP4: Poxwalkers (20 models) 100pts
TROOP5: Poxwalkers (20 models) 100pts
TROOP6: Poxwalkers (20 models) 100pts
ELITES1: Biologus Putrifier, Plaguechosen: Arch-contaminator, RELIC: Plague Skull of Glothila (Gift of decay) 65pts
ELITES2: Foul Blightspawn, Viscous Death, RELIC: Revolting Stench-vats (FREE) 85pts
ELITES3: Blightlord Terminators, 4x Combibolter, 3x Bubotic Axe, 1x Balesword, 1x Flail of corruption 205pts
ELITES4: Deathshorud terminators (3 models), Additional Plaguespurt gauntlet, Virulent Fever 175pts
ELITES5: Deathshorud terminators (5 models), Additional Plaguespurt gauntlet, Virulent Fever 275pts
FAST1: Chaos Spawn (3 models), Grandfatherly Influence 69pts
FAST2: Chaos Spawn (3 models), Grandfatherly Influence 69pts
FAST3: Chaos Spawn (3 models), Grandfatherly Influence 69pts