Roberto Mule
Nome Giocatore : Roberto Mulè "Anal Surprice"
ID Discord Giocatore : RobertoPaletti#5714
Codex Giocati: Tyranids
++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Tyranids) [35 PL, 10CP, 743pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]
Hive Fleet: Kronos
+ HQ +
Neurothrope [5 PL, 95pts]: Power: Symbiostorm
+ Troops +
Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 36pts]
. 3x Ripper Swarm: 3x Claws and Teeth
Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 36pts]
. 3x Ripper Swarm: 3x Claws and Teeth
Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 36pts]
. 3x Ripper Swarm: 3x Claws and Teeth
+ Elites +
Hive Guard [12 PL, 270pts]
. 6x Hive Guard (Impaler): 6x Impaler Cannon
Hive Guard [12 PL, 270pts]
. 6x Hive Guard (Impaler): 6x Impaler Cannon
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Tyranids) [68 PL, 1,255pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Detachment Command Cost
Hive Fleet: Behemoth
+ HQ +
Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 225pts]: Adrenal Glands, Heavy Venom Cannon, Monstrous Scything Talons, Power: Paroxysm, Power: Unstoppable Hunger, Scythes of Tyran, Toxin Sacs, Warlord, Wings
. Adaptive Physiology: Murderous Size
The Swarmlord [14 PL, 240pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Onslaught
+ Troops +
Genestealers [16 PL, 260pts]: 5x Acid Maw
. 20x Genestealer: 20x Rending Claws
Ripper Swarms [4 PL, 48pts]
. 4x Ripper Swarm: 4x Claws and Teeth
Termagants [9 PL, 210pts]
. 30x Termagant (Devourer): 30x Devourer
+ Elites +
Lictor [2 PL, 37pts]
+ Heavy Support +
Scythed Hierodule [12 PL, 235pts]
. Adaptive Physiology: Dermic Symbiosis
++ Total: [103 PL, 10CP, 1,998pts] ++
CP: 12-2PATROL DETACHMENT - 1 Progeny of the Hive (extra Adaptive phisiology) = 9 CP