Team: Hottest Warmaster on Malibu
Player: Austin Powers
Faction: Drukhari
Total: 2000
CP: 10
KP: 23
Stratagems: Extra Relics (2cp), Tolerated Ambition (2cp)
++ Patrol Detachment++
Obsession: Custom Coven: Dark Technomancers (All-Consuming)
HQ1 Drazhar: Hatred Eternal, Warlord [7 PL, 135pts]
TR1 Wracks: Acothyst: Liquifier Gun Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Liquifier Gun, 3x Wracks [3 PL, 60pts]
TR2 Wracks: Acothyst: Liquifier Gun Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Liquifier Gun, 3x Wracks [3 PL, 60pts]
TR3 Wracks: Acothyst: Liquifier Gun Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Liquifier Gun, 3x Wracks [3 PL, 60pts]
EL1 Incubi: Klaivex: Demiklaives, 4x Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
EL2 Incubi: Klaivex: Demiklaives, 4x Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
HS 1 Talos: Chain-flails, Twin liquifier gun, Two heat lances [6 PL, 125pts]
HS 1 Talos: Chain-flails, Twin liquifier gun, Two heat lances [6 PL, 125pts]
++ Patrol Detachment++
Obsession: Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power
HQ 1 Succubus: Adrenalight, Precision Blows, The Blood Glaive, Blast Pistol & Archite Glaive, Show Stealer (Red Grief): Show Stealer
TR1 Kabalite Warriors: 5x Kabalite Warriors [3 PL, 40pts]
EL1 Mandrakes: 5x Mandrake [3 PL, 75pts]
EL2 Mandrakes: 5x Mandrake [3 PL, 75pts]
FA1 Hellions: Adrenalight, 5x Hellion, (Strife), [4 PL, 85pts]
HS1 Ravager: 3x Dark Lance [8 PL, 140pts]
DT1 Raider: Dark Lance, Kabal, Phantasm Grenade Launcher [5 PL, 90pts]
DT2 Raider: Dark Lance, Kabal, Phantasm Grenade Launcher [5 PL, 90pts]
DT3 Raider: Dark Lance, Kabal, Phantasm Grenade Launcher [5 PL, 90pts]
DT4 Venom: Grisly Trophies, Kabal, Splinter Cannon, Twin splinter rifle [4 PL, 80pts]
++ Patrol Detachment++
Obsession: Cult of Strife: The Spectacle of Murder
HQ1 Succubus: Grave Lotus, Competitive Edge, Dark Lotus Toxin, Razorflails, Show Stealer (Strife), [4 PL, -1CP, 75pts]
TR1 Wyches: Grave Lotus, 9x Wych, Wych w/ Shardnet and Impaler: Shardnet and Impaler, [6 PL, 110pts]
EL1 Incubi: Klaivex: Demiklaives, 4x Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
FA1 Hellions: 1 – Adrenalight, 5x Hellion, (Strife), [4 PL, 85pts]
FA1 Hellions: 1 – Adrenalight, 5x Hellion, (Strife), [4 PL, 85pts]