Adeyev Dmitriy
825 - Sentinel of Nukuja, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Charged Tendrils, Living Shield, Aura of Despair, Dark Pulpit, Evocation
900 - Omen of Savar, General, Hammer Hand, Guiding Centipede Legs, Living Shield, Dextrous Tentacles, Greater Dominion, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy
417 - 16 Succubi, 16x Chilling Yawn, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
295 - 10 Lemures, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
425 - 16 Myrmidons, 16x Whipcrack Tail, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
215 - Titanslayer Chariot, Divining Snout
215 - Titanslayer Chariot, Divining Snout
340 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher, Whipcrack Tail, Standard Bearer
330 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher, Whipcrack Tail
175 - 2 Mageblight Gremlins
195 - 5 Sirens
165 - 5 Furies
4497 pts