Maxim"Inkvizitor Maximilian"Biba
Vermin Swarm
870 - Vermin Daemon, General
460 - Chief, Monstrous Rat, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour (Ghostly Guard), Paired Weapons and Tail Weapon, Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart)
300 - Sicarra Assassin, Titanic Might, Throwing Weapons
450 - 59 Rats-at-Arms, Spear, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Endless Swarm), Musician, Champion
150 - 20 Giant Rats
150 - 20 Giant Rats
135 - 10 Footpads, Musician
125 - 10 Footpads
125 - 10 Footpads
440 - 6 Vermin Hulks, Champion
234 - 10 Plague Disciples
200 - 5 Jezails
160 - 4 Jezails
350 - Dreadmill
350 - Dreadmill