Luca Zanaica
Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: Morgok's Krushas
*Objectives* (12)
Got It, Boss (Surge) (Restricted)
Now Wot? (Surge)
Orruk Kunnin' (Surge)
Absolute Stillness
Ahead of the Hunt
Hidden Purpose (Surge) (Restricted)
Master of Battle
Swift Capture (Surge)
The Avatar Risen
To the End
Awesome Predator
Silver Lining (Surge)
*Gambits* (10)
Duel of Wits
Brutal Reprisal
Eager Advance
Waaagh! Energy
Unnatural Truce
Eternal Chase
Heeded Instinct
Living Land
Symbiote's Call
*Upgrades* (10)
Brute Charge
Claws of the Ur-grub
Great Strength
Mandibles of the Ur-grub
Sting of the Ur-Grub (Restricted)
Augmented Limbs
Savage Strength
Silent Helm
Silent Ring
Soundless Step,B230,B233,B234,B257,B263,B282,B288,B306,B310,B314,DC262,DC320,320,DC382,DC414,B242,B243,B246,B375,G14,DC358,DC366,DC425,DC478,DC483,DC484,DC493,B248,B392,B398,B413,B427