Ivano Volpicella
WARBAND: The Grymwatch
Great Gains (2)
The Grymwatch expansion In the Name of the King (2)
Rippa's Snarlfangs expansion Gathered Momentum (1)
Morgwaeth's Blade-coven expansion Hidden Purpose (1)
The Grymwatch expansion Path to Victory (2)
The Grymwatch expansion Swift Capture (1)
Rippa's Snarlfangs expansion Temporary Victory (2)
Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion Uncontested (3)
Direchasm core set Dominant Position (2)
Elathain's Soulraid expansion Everything to Prove (1)
The Starblood Stalkers expansion The Greater Hunt (1)
Khagra's Ravagers expansion Underdog (2)
Total glory - 20
6 | 6 | 0
3 | 3
Gambits (10)
Ironskull's Boyz expansion Duel of Wits
The Grymwatch expansion Appalling Visage
The Grymwatch expansion Double Time
The Grymwatch expansion Pack, Advance!
The Grymwatch expansion Strident Summons
Beastgrave Gift Pack expansion Distraction
Khagra's Ravagers expansion Beast Trail
Hedkrakka's Madmob expansion Heeded Instinct
The Starblood Stalkers expansion Living Land
Silent Menace Universal Deck Symbiote's Call
10 | 0
Upgrades (10)
Core set Great Fortitude
Power Unbound Quickening Greaves
The Grymwatch expansion Aura of Command
The Grymwatch expansion Heroic Vision
The Grymwatch expansion Impervious Delusion
The Grymwatch expansion Seized Weapon
The Grymwatch expansion Well Motivated
Beastgrave core set Great Strength
Silent Menace Universal Deck Augmented Limbs
Direchasm core set Savage Strength