Klaus "Khel" Krebs
Spielername: Klaus "Khel" Krebs
Discord id: Khel #8956
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (T'au Empire) [107 PL, 6CP, 1,999pts] ++
+ Configuration [12CP] +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Detachment Command Cost
Sept Choice: Farsight Enclaves
+ Stratagems [-5CP] +
Emergency Dispensation (2 Relics) [-3CP]
Veteran Cadre (4+ models) [-2CP]
+ HQ [16 PL, -1CP, 325pts] +
Commander Farsight [7 PL, 130pts]: Dawn blade, Hero of the Enclaves (Farsight Enclaves), High-intensity plasma rifle, Warlord
Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [9 PL, -1CP, 195pts]: 6. Exemplar of the Mont'ka, Cross-linked stabiliser jets, 3x Fusion blaster [45pts], Promising Pupil [-1CP], Shield generator [10pts]
. 2x MV7 Marker Drone [20pts]: 2x Markerlight
+ Troops [14 PL, 310pts] +
Breacher Team [3 PL, 65pts]: MV36 Guardian Drone [10pts]
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui [9pts]: Photon grenades, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Pistol [36pts]: 4x Photon grenades, 4x Pulse blaster, 4x Pulse pistol
. MV7 Marker Drone [10pts]: Markerlight
Breacher Team [3 PL, 65pts]: MV36 Guardian Drone [10pts]
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui [9pts]: Photon grenades, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Pistol [36pts]: 4x Photon grenades, 4x Pulse blaster, 4x Pulse pistol
. MV7 Marker Drone [10pts]: Markerlight
Breacher Team [3 PL, 65pts]: MV36 Guardian Drone [10pts]
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui [9pts]: Photon grenades, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Pistol [36pts]: 4x Photon grenades, 4x Pulse blaster, 4x Pulse pistol
. MV7 Marker Drone [10pts]: Markerlight
Breacher Team [5 PL, 115pts]: MV36 Guardian Drone [10pts]
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui [14pts]: Markerlight [5pts], Photon grenades, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol
. 9x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Pistol [81pts]: 9x Photon grenades, 9x Pulse blaster, 9x Pulse pistol
. MV7 Marker Drone [10pts]: Markerlight
+ Elites [48 PL, 874pts] +
XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [15 PL, 304pts]: 2x Smart missile system [14pts], Amplified ion accelerator, Drone controller [5pts], Ion accelerator [15pts], Velocity tracker [10pts]
XV8 Crisis Battlesuits [17 PL, 260pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui [46pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector [16pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui [46pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector [16pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui [46pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector [16pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui [46pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector [16pts]
. Crisis Shas'vre [56pts]: Advanced targeting system [5pts], 2x Airbursting fragmentation projector [16pts], XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit [10pts]
. 2x MV7 Marker Drone [20pts]: 2x Markerlight
XV8 Crisis Battlesuits [16 PL, 310pts]: Veteran Cadre
. Crisis Shas'ui [60pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [30pts], Shield generator [5pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui [60pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [30pts], Shield generator [5pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui [60pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [30pts], Shield generator [5pts]
. Crisis Shas'ui [60pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [30pts], Shield generator [5pts]
. Crisis Shas'vre [70pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [30pts], Shield generator [5pts], XV8-02 Crisis Iridium battlesuit [10pts]
+ Fast Attack [7 PL, 110pts] +
Pathfinder Team [7 PL, 110pts]: MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone [10pts], MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone [10pts]
. MB3 Recon Drone [15pts]: Burst cannon
. 2x MV7 Marker Drone [20pts]: 2x Markerlight
. 4x Pathfinder [44pts]: 4x Markerlight, 4x Photon grenades, 4x Pulse carbine
. Pathfinder Shas'ui [11pts]: Markerlight, Photon grenades, Pulse carbine, Pulse pistol
+ Heavy Support [17 PL, 285pts] +
XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [17 PL, 285pts]: Magna rail rifle
. Broadside Shas'ui [5 PL, 75pts]: 2x Plasma rifle, Heavy rail rifle, Velocity tracker [5pts]
. Broadside Shas'ui [5 PL, 75pts]: 2x Plasma rifle, Heavy rail rifle, Velocity tracker [5pts]
. Broadside Shas'vre [5 PL, 75pts]: 2x Plasma rifle, Heavy rail rifle, Velocity tracker [5pts]
. 4x MV4 Shield Drone [60pts]: 4x Shield generator
+ Dedicated Transport [5 PL, 95pts] +
TY7 Devilfish [5 PL, 95pts]: Burst cannon, Seeker missile [5pts]
. 2x MV1 Gun Drone [20pts]: 4x Pulse carbine
++ Total: [107 PL, 6CP, 1,999pts] ++
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