David Seaton
Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: Thundrik's Profiteers
*Objectives* (12)
Headshot (Surge)
Live by the Code
Sound Finances
Steady Aim (Surge)
Absolute Stillness
Ahead of the Hunt
Hidden Purpose (Surge) (Restricted)
Master of Battle
Dominant Position
Everything to Prove (Surge)
Perfect Strike (Surge)
Winged Death (Surge)
*Gambits* (10)
Duel of Wits
Seek the Skyvessel
Restless Prize (Restricted)
Unnatural Truce
Jealous Defence
Desperate Caution
Eternal Chase
Heeded Instinct
Symbiote's Call
*Upgrades* (10)
Ancestral Fortitude
Quickening Greaves
Cryptic Companion (Restricted)
Impressive Bulk
Silent Ring
Soundless Step
Fighter's Ferocity
Great Fortitude