Andrea Rocchi
Andrea Rocchi's Drepurs
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: Drepur's Wraithcreepers
*Objectives* (12)
B257 - Absolute Stillness
B263 - Ahead of the Hunt
B282 - Hidden Purpose (Surge) (Restricted)
B288 - Master of Battle
B313 - The Hunter Hunted (Surge)
G1 - Bold Conquest (Surge)
DC272 - Dominant Position
DC273 - Everything to Prove (Surge)
DC336 - Underdog
S37 - Ethereal Hunters (Surge)
E2 - Branching Fate (Surge)
E13 - Path to Victory
*Gambits* (10)
B324 - Buried Instinct
B363 - Restless Prize (Restricted)
G14 - Distraction
DC358 - Eternal Chase
DC366 - Heeded Instinct
DC375 - Hunting Season
DC391 - Narrowing Passage
DC414 - Symbiote's Call
S51 - Methodical Attacks
E27 - Duel of Wits
*Upgrades* (10)
B393 - Cryptic Companion (Restricted)
DC434 - Dominant Defender
DC447 - Formidable Defence
DC483 - Silent Helm
DC484 - Silent Ring
DC493 - Soundless Step
S55 - Bitter Strength
S58 - Deathly Vigour
E51 - Great Strength
E57 - Quickening Greaves