Michael Carlin
Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: Eyes of the Nine
*Objectives* (12)
Change of Fortunes (Surge)
Coveted Spoils
Feed the Beastgrave
Frantic Exchange (Surge)
Master of Hazards (Surge)
Show of Force (Surge) (Restricted)
Everything to Prove (Surge)
Martial Adept
Myriad Incantations
Silver Lining (Surge)
*Gambits* (10)
Deceitful Step
Blind Hunger
Invert Terrain
Unexpected Peril
Unnatural Truce
Great Tremors
Living Land
Mazzig's Machinations
Symbiote's Call
Duel of Wits
*Upgrades* (11)
Abasoth's Auto-immolation
Great Fortitude
Iara's Instant Shield
Lethal Snares
Mazzig's Many Legs
Quintok's Combative Cantrip
Substance Siphon (Restricted)
The Scattered Tome
Geomancer's Gauntlet (Restricted)
Impressive Bulk
Silent Helm