Dan Smedley
Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: Magore's Fiends
*Objectives* (12)
Khorne Sees Us (Surge)
Gathered Momentum (Surge)
Show of Force (Surge) (Restricted)
Awesome Predator
Bold Deeds
Clean Kills
Dominant Display
Intimidating Display
Surge of Aggression (Surge) (Restricted)
Swelling Pride (Surge)
Strong Start (Surge)
*Gambits* (10)
Daemonic Resilience
Furious Inspiration
Sitting Target
Spectral Wings
Heeded Instinct
Membranous Wings
Outrun Death
Inspired Attack
Mighty Swing
*Upgrades* (10)
Brutal Charge
Trophy Hunter
Vision of Glory (Restricted)
Augmented Limbs
Savage Soldier
Savage Speed
Savage Strength
Scavenged Armour
Great Fortitude
Great Strength