Sergey "TroR" Klimenko
Empire of Sonnstahl
410 - Wizard, Horse, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sceptre of Power, Potion of Strength
360 - Inquisitor, Horse and Light Troops, Shield (Dusk Forged), Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Blessed Steel
340 - Prelate, Horse, Shield, Plate Armour, Locket of Sunna, Obsidian Rock
285 - Marshal, Horse, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Shield, Binding Scroll
275 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield, Cavalry Pick (Titanic Might), Lucky Charm
130 - Artificer, Repeater Gun
577 - 14 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders (Cavalry Pick), Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
305 - 20 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Champion (Repeater Gun)
185 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician
135 - 10 State Militia
330 - 3 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Standard Bearer, Musician
180 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols
134 - 9 Imperial Rangers
134 - 9 Imperial Rangers
245 - Artillery, Cannon
475 - Steam Tank