Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
5 Surge cards
Faction: The Crimson Court
*Objectives* (12)
Frantic Exchange (Surge)
Master of Many Paths
Scrum (Surge) (Restricted)
Cover Ground (Surge) (Restricted)
On the Chase
Spirited Attempt (Surge)
Avatar of Famine
Growing Hunger
Hunger for Power
Hungry for Victory
Season of Famine
Silver Lining (Surge)
*Gambits* (10)
Unnatural Truce
Deathly Apotheosis
Driven to Hunt
Beast Trail
Carnivores All
Compelling Hunger
Energy Drain
Outrun Death
Duel of Wits
*Upgrades* (10)
Abasoth's Auto-immolation
Cryptic Companion (Restricted)
Iara's Instant Shield
Jared's Spirited Sphere
Keila's Choking Coil
Quintok's Combative Cantrip
The Scattered Tome
Impressive Bulk
Inured by Hunger
Great Fortitude,DC134,DC280,B407,B379,B433,B420,B410,DC343,B393,DC146,G14,B280,B375,DC357,DC455,B299,DC283,DC281,DC317,E27,DC320,DC347,DC145,DC261,DC138,DC351,G3,DC392,E49,B290,B409,DC454