Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: Hrothgorn's Mantrappers
*Objectives* (12)
B172 - Unexpected Cunning (Surge) (Restricted)
B281 - Gathered Momentum (Surge)
B288 - Master of Battle
B296 - Perfect Match
B311 - The Beast is Slain (Surge)
DC262 - Awesome Predator
DC267 - Clean Kills
DC287 - Intimidating Display
DC299 - Not so Fast (Surge)
DC324 - Successful Hunt (Surge)
DC339 - Winged Death (Surge)
E5 - Great Gains
*Gambits* (10)
N401 - Commanding Stride
B174 - Driven Onwards
B182 - Ravenous Fury
B367 - Sitting Target
B368 - Snare
B377 - Victimise
G14 - Distraction
G22 - Spectral Wings
E27 - Duel of Wits
E40 - Sidestep
*Upgrades* (10)
N503 - Gloryseeker
B191 - Toughened Hide (Restricted)
B404 - Hunter's Talisman (Restricted)
DC468 - Primal Lunge
DC476 - Savage Soldier
DC480 - Scavenged Armour
DC481 - Silent Armour
DC483 - Silent Helm
DC484 - Silent Ring
DC493 - Soundless Step