Jakub Rys
DISCORD: Slay#8207
Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: The Crimson Court
*Objectives* (12)
B270 - Brought to Bay (Surge)
B281 - Gathered Momentum (Surge)
B301 - Show of Force (Surge) (Restricted)
B307 - Team Effort
DC131 - Crimson Hounds (Surge)
DC133 - Gravelords
DC135 - Preternatural Speed (Surge)
DC136 - Recovered Poise
DC138 - Spirited Attempt (Surge)
DC263 - Bold Deeds
DC271 - Dominant Display
DC330 - The Hunt Advances
*Gambits* (11)
320 - Duel of Wits
361 - Spectral Wings
B373 - Tracking
G14 - Distraction
DC142 - Blood Vial
DC145 - Deathly Apotheosis
DC148 - Quicksilver Advance
DC343 - Beast Trail
DC354 - Delicious Morsel
DC361 - Ferocious Blow
DC417 - Thrill of the Hunt
*Upgrades* (11)
389 - Great Fortitude
391 - Great Strength
N503 - Gloryseeker
B430 - Substance Siphon (Restricted)
B431 - Survival Instincts (Restricted)
DC151 - Blood Chalice
DC158 - Vampiric Might
DC160 - Von Marusi Armour
DC446 - Flight Before Food
DC478 - Savage Strength
DC480 - Scavenged Armour