Vojtech Pustovka
Discord login : Rvak#6179
Championship format
0 Rotated cards
0 Forsaken cards
3 Restricted cards
6 Surge cards
Faction: Thorns of the Briar Queen
*Objectives* (12)
B294 - Over My Dead Body (Surge)
B308 - Temporary Victory (Surge) (Restricted)
B309 - Test of Courage
B317 - Uncontested
DC272 - Dominant Position
DC273 - Everything to Prove (Surge)
DC276 - Fleeting Primacy (Surge)
DC285 - Impending Doom (Surge)
DC336 - Underdog
E2 - Branching Fate (Surge)
E13 - Path to Victory
E17 - Supremacy
*Gambits* (10)
N39 - Drifting Advance
N40 - Endless Malice
N42 - Howling Vortex (Restricted)
N43 - Maddening Cackle
N47 - Sudden Appearance (Restricted)
B349 - Hunting Bolt
DC398 - Punching Up
DC414 - Symbiote's Call
E24 - Countercharge
E27 - Duel of Wits
*Upgrades* (10)
N57 - Shacklegheist Chains
B390 - Bloody Axe
DC425 - Augmented Limbs
DC478 - Savage Strength
DC484 - Silent Ring
DC486 - Silent Sword
DC488 - Soultooth Dagger
E48 - Gloryseeker
E51 - Great Strength
E57 - Quickening Greaves