Raf Ischi
Player: Rafael “Raf” Ischi
Player Tourneykeeper Profile number: Rafael Ischi 8959
Factions used: Chaos Daemons
Command points: 12 – 2 CP (Patrol) – 1 CP (Exalted LoC) – 1 CP (Exalted KoS) – 1 CP (extra relic) = 7
Army points: 2000pts
Army Power Level: 100
Assassinate VPs: 15 + 1
Reinforcement Points: 0
DETACHMENT 1: Chaos Daemons Battalion – mixed Tzeentch + Nurgle
HQ1: Lord of Change (290)
Warlord: Incorporeal Form, relic: the Impossible Robe, exaltation (-1CP): Architect of Deception
Psy: Smite, Gaze of Fate, Bolt of Change, Infernal Gateway
HQ2: Fluxmaster [105pts]
Psy: Smite, boon of change
HQ3: Syll’Eske [230pts]
Psy: Smite, Hysterical Frenzy, Delightful Agonies
TROOP1: 21 Pink Horrors (168), Daemonic Icon (15) [183pts]
TROOP2: 3 Nurglings [66pts]
TROOP3: 3 Nurglings [66pts]
FAST ATTACK1: 5 Screamers of Tzeentch [130pts]
FAST ATTACK2: 5 Screamers of Tzeentch [130pts]
DETACHMENT 2: Chaos Daemons Battalion – Slaanesh
HQ4: Be’lakor [360pts]
Psy: Smite, Pall of Despair, Penumbral Curse
HQ5: Keeper of Secrets (230), Sinistrous hand (0) [230pts]
Exaltation (-1CP): Quicksilver Reflexes, Relic (-1CP): The Forbidden Gem
Psy: Smite, Hysterical Frenzy, Symphony of Pain
TROOP4: 10 Daemonettes [70pts]
TROOP5: 10 Daemonettes [70pts]
TROOP6: 10 Daemonettes [70pts]