Petr Hořák
Player: Petr HoÅ™ák
Team: FFF
Factions used: Adeptus Sororitas
Army Points: 1997
Reinforcement points: 3
Number of Units / Killpoints: 17
Pre Game Stratagems: Open the Reliquaries -1CP
Starting Command Points: 8CP
Warlord & Trait: Morven – Righteous Rage,
Army Trait : Sacred Rite - The Passion
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 63(6)
To the Last Units: Morven, Celestine, Zephyrim Squad
Titan Hunter: 0
Bring it Down:6
Assasination: 13
Abhor the Witch:0
++ Vanguard Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Adepta Sororitas) [60 PL, -4CP, 1,197pts] ++
Order Convictions: Bloody Rose
Stratagem: Open the Reliquaries [-1CP]: Additional Relics of the Ecclesiarchy
HQ Canoness [5 PL, 100pts]: Blessed Blade, Bolt Pistol, Relic: Blade of Saint Ellynor, Word of the Emperor
HQ Celestine and Geminae Superia [10 PL, 200pts] 2x Geminae Superia: 2x Power sword
Elite Arco-Flagellants [4 PL, 70pts] 4x Arco Flagellant, Arco Flagellant w/ Endurant Implants: Endurant Implants
Elite Celestian Sacresants [6 PL, 117pts] 7x Celestian Sacresants, 7x Hallowed Mace, Sacresant Superior: Spear of the Faithful
Elite Celestian Sacresants [3 PL, 75pts] 4x Celestian Sacresants, 4x Hallowed Mace, Sacresant Superior: Spear of the Faithful
Elite Dogmata [4 PL, 65pts]: 1. Refrain of Blazing Piety, Relic: Wrath of The Emperor
Fast Attack Dominion Squad [4 PL, 80pts] Dominion Superior, 4x Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter
Fast Attack Zephyrim Squad [8 PL, 175pts] 9x Zephyrim: 9x Power sword, Zephyrim Superior: Zephyrim Pennant
Heavy Support Mortifiers [6 PL, 125pts] Mortifiers: Anchorite Sarcophagus, 2x Heavy bolter, 2x Penitent buzz-blades
Mortifiers: 2x Heavy bolter, 2x Penitent buzz-blades
Heavy Support Penitent Engines [6 PL, 110pts] 2x Penitent Engine: 2x Penitent Flails
Transport Sororitas Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]
++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adepta Sororitas) [36 PL, 800pts] ++
Order Convictions: Order: Argent Shroud
HQ Morvenn Vahl [13 PL, 265pts]: Warlord
Troop: Battle Sister Squad [3 PL, 55pts]
Fast Attack Seraphim Squad [4 PL, 90pts] 2x Seraphim: 4x Bolt pistol, Seraphim Superior: Bolt pistol, Bolt pistol, 2xSeraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Ministorum Hand Flamers
Fast attck Seraphim Squad [4 PL, 90pts] 2x Seraphim: 4x Bolt pistol, Seraphim Superior: Bolt pistol, Bolt pistol, 2xSeraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Ministorum Hand Flamers
Heavy Support Retributor Squad [6 PL, 155pts]: Armourium Cherub, Retributor Superior: Bolt Pistol & Ministorum Combi-flamer, 4x Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
Heavy support Retributor Squad [6 PL, 145pts]: Armourium Cherub, Retributor Superior, Bolt Pistol & Boltgun, 4x Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta