John Wiff
John Wiff - Daemon Legions
765 - Omen of Savar, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Bronze Backbone
530 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, Wizard Apprentice, Divination
385 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, General, Dark Pulpit, Wizard (Wizard Adept, Evocation)
590 - 21 Succubi, Smothering Coils, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
290 - 11 Lemures, Stiff Upper Lip, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
250 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
329 - 3 Hoarders, Chitinous Scales, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Champion
329 - 3 Hoarders, Chitinous Scales, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Champion
235 - 5 Sirens, Roaming Hands, Champion
310 - 3 Bloat Flies, Champion
310 - 3 Bloat Flies, Champion
175 - 5 Furies, Kaleidoscopic Flesh