Joscha "SaltyJoe" Schmitz
Player: Joscha “SalzPvP” Schmitz
Factions Used: Adeptus Astartes
Warlord: Bladeguard Ancient
Pre-Game Stratagems: 1x Paragon of the Chapter, 2x Hero of the Chapter
CP: 7
Secondary Objective Information
No Prisoners: 83
To the last units: 3x Talonmaster, 3x Bladeguard Veteran Squad
Titanhunter: 0
Bring it down: 3
Assassination: 15 (19 aber capped)
Abhor the witch: 3
++Vanguard Detachment 0CP (Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels [Deathwing]) [69PL, 1320pts]
HQ: Ezekiel [7PL, 125 pts]
Powers: Mind Worm, Righteous Repugnance, Engulging Fear
HQ: Ravenwing Talonmaster [8PL, 175pts]
HQ: Ravenwing Talonmaster [8PL, 175pts]
Elite: Bladeguard Ancient [6PL, 105pts]
Chapter Ancient, WARLORD [Steadfast Example & Decisive Tactician], FREE RELIC [The Vox Espiritum]
Elite: Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10PL, 175pts]
4x Veteran, Veteran Sergeant
Elite: Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10PL, 175pts]
4x Veteran, Veteran Sergeant
Elite: Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10PL, 175pts]
4x Veteran, Veteran Sergeant
Eite: Deathwing Command Squad[4PL, 80pts]
1x Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, 1x Lightning Claw (Pair)
Elite: Ravenwing Apothecary [6PL, 135pts]
Astartes Grenade Launcher, Chief Apothecary, HERO OF THE CHAPTER [Selfless Healer]
++Patrol Detachment -2CP (Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels) [33PL, 680pts]++
HQ: Ravenwing Talonmaster [8PL,175pts]
Troop: Heavy Intercessor Squad [7PL, 140pts]
Elite: Deathwing Command Squad [10PL, 125pts]
2x Thunder Hammer & Stomr Shield, 1x Lightning Claw (Pair)
Fast Attack: 2x Attack Bike Squad [4PL, 120pts]
2x Multi-Melta
Fast Attack: 2x Attack Bike Squad [4PL, 120pts]
2x Multi-Melta