Vicent Josep Garcia Nieto "Thurvack", KoE 4500 Discord: Thurvack#1506
715 - Duke, ( GENERAL ), Virtue Might, Grail Oath, Shield, Lance, Titanic Might, Uther's Conviction, Fortress of Faith, Obsidian Rock, Hippogriff
465 - Paladin, Battle Standard Bearer, Questing Oath and Bastard Sword , Virtue Valour, Shield, Basalt Infusion, Dusk Forged, Pegasus
385 - Damsel (Druidism), Wizard Master, Barded Warhorse
235 - Damsel (Shamanism), Wizard Adept, Barded Warhorse
695 - 15 Knights Aspirants, Champion, Musician, Standard, Banner of the Last Charge
285 - 6 Knights of the Realm, Champion, Musician, Standard
190 - 30 Peasant Levy, Musician, Standard
130 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons
130 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons
675 - 8 Knights of the Grail, Champion, Musician, Standard, Flaming Standard
595 - 5 Pegasus Knights , Vanguard, Champion, Standard, Banner of Roland
4500 Points